The PRT Session I LOVE to HATE!
This morning's PRT session for the U.S. Army's Physical Fitness School is the session each week that I have a love/hate relationship with. Today was our speed running day. Our hour-long session...
View ArticlePull-Ups: Quality over Quantity
Prior to 1973, male Soldiers executed the Pull-up as a part of the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT). In order to achieve an “average score” of 52 points, a male Soldier under 30 years of age would...
View ArticleAbs ... They Arent Just for You to Look Good on the Beach
Having a strong core is essential whether you are performing an overhead squat or whether you are just performing simple tasks in your everyday life activities such as lifting a box to carry to your...
View ArticleFitness heard 'round the world!
This week I had the privilege to attend the 3rd International Congress on Soldiers’ Physical Performance (ICSPP) in Boston, Massachusetts. The ICSPP showcased renowned subject matter experts from...
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